DSI Provides Key Support to Northwest Florida Region After Major Flooding and Damages Occur
TALLAHASSEE, FL - The Northwest Florida Region was impacted by severe flooding and tornadoes in late April 2014, resulting in a Presidential declaration on May 6, 2014. A FEMA Joint Field Office was established in Pensacola and DSI was tasked to provide a substantial number of Public Assistance Program experts to facilitate all field recovery operations in all phases of the FEMA PA process. In the final analysis, a total of 73 applicants were impacted by this disaster with total damages exceeding $181 million as documented in 1022 project worksheets. During the development phase, in recognition of DSI’s expertise, our staff was authorized to serve as the primary author of a large number of these projects—actually entering them into the FEMA EMMIE system directly. Work continues on these projects as the impacted communities finalize the work to repair and mitigation damages.