DSI Called to Support Recovery Efforts in Aftermath of Tropical Storm Debby
TALLAHASSEE, FL In late June 2012, Tropical Storm Debby impacted the State of Florida, causing significant damage to private residences and infrastructure. After damage assessments were completed, the State received a Presidential Disaster Declaration on July 3, 2012. DSI was immediately deployed to help facilitate the entire recovery effort through the FEMA Public Assistance Program—including the critical Preliminary Damage Assessments (PDAs). After receipt of the declaration, much of the recovery efforts were coordinated through a Joint Field Office located in Tallahassee and co-staffed with FEMA, FDEM and DSI personnel. This event impacted a total of 156 unique applicants in Florida and resulted in total infrastructure damages in excess of $65 million in 1236 projects. DSI’s efforts began with local agency kickoff meeting and continued through all stages of the recovery process, including: damage assessment; project development; project tracking; project revisions and scope changes; interim and final inspections; and final project closeouts.