Training & Exercises
DSI’s Training & Exercise Team delivers HSEEP-guided seminars, workshops, exercises, and full scale drills that are student-centric, relevant, effective and comprehensive. We also work hard to “train the trainer” in order to prepare local governments and nonprofits for future events.
Emergency Management Operations
DSI has presented training sessions for local government of how to run and/or how to improve the management of a local emergency operations center. Many counties have received funds to construct new or improved EOCs, but have not trained their stakeholder partners on how an EOC is run. DSI has developed a training session on EOC Management, using the principles of ICS and Emergency Support Functions (ESF). Topics of the course include EOC activation, activation roster development, message flow within the EOC, securing mutual aid through proper channels, chain of command, and more.
School Safety (including Active Shooter)
Given the recent school shooting incidents around the country, the need for communities to test their capabilities to respond to a threatening incident at a school is of paramount importance. For years, DSI has conducted "School Shooter" exercises to test the jurisdiction's capabilities to respond to and manage a dangerous situation at a school involving children of various ages. DSI has encouraged jurisdictions to perform functional or full exercises to evaluate their capabilities, given the extreme nature of such an event.
The picture above was taken in Wakulla County as they tested their capabilities in an exercise developed and delivered by DSI. This included the use of a school facility on a day that the students were not present. Realistic actors were brought in to simulate intruders into a school with threatening intentions. Local resources were tested to their maximum capabilities. These exercises are extremely realistic. Should your jurisdiction need a school safety exercise, contact DSI. We have a wealth of experience in this specialty arena and would look forward to working with you on your particular simulation.