Recovery Ready Program
With our extensive expertise in disaster recovery services and the lessons learned from our work in hundreds of local and state agencies, we have built the Recovery Ready Program (Recovery Ready) to help applicants become better prepared to meet the complex and ever-changing FEMA requirements and the massive documentation needed to SECURE and KEEP recovery funding. Having developed, managed, reviewed, and closed thousands of FEMA Public Assistance projects, our extensive knowledge base is the foundation of Recovery Ready as a bridge between the daily operations of our clients—and the FEMA requirements that must be met to secure the funding our communities deserve. As all disaster-impacted communities know, the challenges of recovery are significant. Our goal is to make all of our clients Recovery Ready by following these major steps:
EXAMINE — Research and analyze current processes and procedures.
ENGINEER — Design refinements and changes for seamless integration.
EXECUTE — Implement changes to make the community Recovery Ready.
EXCEL — New processes will help ensure maximum recovery support.
How does Recovery Ready work?
After executing our simple and straightforward Recovery Ready contract, a DSI Recovery Assessor will conduct an entrance conference with you to discuss the specific plan of action and time frame for the assessment;
We will discuss our prior research into your “disaster” history as an applicant/sub-applicant;
Prior to or during this meeting we will request copies of all relevant documentation critical to effective recovery;
We will ask you to identify (and notify) key contacts within your organization for us to meet with and discuss the recovery process. Those follow-up discussions are normally completed the same day, if possible;
At the initial meeting, our Assessor will review a comprehensive checklist/questionnaire to ensure that we address all critical areas (this initial meeting usually takes approximately two hours);
After receiving the documentation, recovery assessment staff will review, in detail, all of the materials collected comparing your “current” status to FEMA standards and key factors;
A client-specific Recovery Ready report is produced and delivered within ten working days.
What areas are examined in this process?
It is important that our assessors look at all of your documentation, policies, procedures, and guidelines that affect recovery funding. Our assessment will include your capacity and capability in the following areas:
Emergency ordinances and executive decisions/policies
Private property issues
Mutual aid
Labor policies and procedures
Equipment records and policies
Various forms and checklists
Recovery Ready will examine the following types of documentation:
Force account labor
Force account equipment/supplies
Contracts and procurement
Emergency management/special incident specific response
Why is DSI the choice for this assessment?
DSI’s practical and functional experience in working with hundreds of local state governments in the Southeast United States is unparalleled. We clearly understand the FEMA recovery process, its many advantages, and potential pitfalls.
DSI has been involved in the development, management, review, and closeout of thousands of FEMA Recovery Projects and our outstanding team of professionals are always focused on achieving maximum benefits to the communities that we serve. We have worked on over $1.7 billion of FEMA project worksheets, so we know the system.