COOP and COG Plans
In partnership with BOLD Planning Solutions, Inc., DSI has developed a powerful, state of the art COOP and COG web based planning template that is one of the most advanced and comprehensive systems available. Users of this system develop their COOP plan using web based templates designed to input data that gets inserted into the COOP Plan. At the push of one button, the data is inserted into the COOP and a finalized plan is developed.
The beauty of the COOP and COG web based planning option is its ease to update. Once the user is given their password, the plan(s) can easily be kept up to date on a regularly scheduled time frame. The plans are housed on three separate servers located across the nation to ensure complete and thorough back up capabilities.
The system is currently in use across the nation at the State, County, Municipal, and Entity level. Some of the clients include the State of Kansas, the California Court System, the State of New York, the City of Chicago, the City of Denver, Notre Dame University, and over 3,000 additional clients.