Mobile Command Vehicle SOGs
Many jurisdictions have very capable Mobile Command Vehicles.....or even communications equipment in the warning point, that only a select few know how to operate. Based on real life experiences of not being able to set up MCVs in the field because of the absence of such key personnel, DSI has developed, and can develop for your jurisdiction, an "At-A-Glance" SOG on every piece of equipment in your MCV or Command Post. It is prepared in such a way as to allow anyone to set up a command post, and quickly turn on the equipment, and know what it’s for, and how to use it.
In addition, if your jurisdiction desires to have a training manual developed on the information provided in the SOGs, that can be done. DSI has completed such SOGs and Training Tools for the Florida Division of Emergency Management, given the complexity of all the systems they have available to them on the SERT’s MCV.