Individual Assistance Program
Although, most of the Individual Assistance Programs offered after a Presidential Disaster Declaration are managed by FEMA, there are aspects of the IA Program that your jurisdiction in which your jurisdiction may be involved.
IA Damage Assessments
When an area is impacted by a major disaster event, it is incumbent on the impacted jurisdiction to conduct both an initial damage assessment, and join FEMA and the State in the Preliminary Damage Assessment process. DSI can represent your jurisdiction in both of these efforts. It is highly recommended that your jurisdiction participate in the damage assessment processes, for you are the applicant, and you should be represented through this process and not defer to FEMA or the State for representation. The only way to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of recovery dollars is to ensure that you have an experienced damage assessment team.
Community Relations (CR) Representatives
In addition, if you decide you want to provide Community Relations representatives in your jurisdiction, DSI has an extensive amount of field experience in doing this, along with the manpower to make it functional.