DSI Conducts an Active Shooter Exercise in Holmes County
TALLAHASSEE, FL - DSI announced today that the company has completed an Active Shooter Exercise for Holmes County. This event was sponsored by the Holmes County Emergency Management Department. To conduct this highly effective exercise, subject matter experts (SMEs) and local representatives from several agencies (School District, Sheriff’s Office, and other first responders) took part in the planning process and also took part in exercise conduct and evaluation. Exercise development and supporting documentation was produced with input, advice, and assistance from the exercise planning team, which followed the guidance set forth in the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP). The Holmes County Active Shooter Situation Manual provided exercise participants with all the necessary tools to carry out their role in the exercise. The Holmes County Active Shooter Exercise was designed to establish a learning environment for players to exercise their plans and procedures for responding to an active shooter incident.
The purpose of the exercise was to:
Provide education in the proper procedures and tactics to use in an “active shooter” situation.
Provide participants the opportunity to walk through and address how they would respond to an active shooter situation in a school setting.
Identify further planning steps and security measures that can be taken to prepare Holmes County for an active shooter scenario.